The Budapest's Lore
Hello guys,
Today we are introducing you to the story ou our erasmus city : Budapest !
Enjoy !
Budapest is a city with a complex history ! Crossed by the Danube separating Buda of Pest, it was several times invaded and occupied.
From Celtic origin, its first invasion was by Romans at the first century before J-C, until its liberation by the seven Magyars tribes.
In 1241, Budapest was invaded and destroyed by Huns, the Mongols. The castle and the Royal Palace were then built.
The peak of the city was in 15th century with the emperor Mathias Corvin (still one of the most appreciated leaders by Hungarians). A church is dedicated to him because he was crowned there (see the first picture).
Budapest fell against the Turks in 16th century until 1686 when the Hasbourg (the Austrians) drove them out ; so began a new occupation. In 1867, the Austro-Hungarian Empire was created, highlighting the golden age for the capital and the nation.
The end of the First World War gave the independence to the Hungarian state, but after the signature of the Treaty of Trianon in 1920, Hungary lost more than two-thirds of its territory (including Slovakia, Croatia, Romania,...).
During the Second World War, Budapest suffered of many bombardments and was invaded by Germans until its liberation by the URSS forces who occupied the city until 1956.
With the fall of the Soviet Union in 1989, Hungary stopped to be communist and regained its liberty, and found the Hungarian Republic.
Hope you guys enjoyed it, and learned some things about Budapest.
Cya'all next week !!
Brought to you by Antoine.
PS : The third photo is the Castle near the Ice ink. And the fourth one is the Parliament.